Undergraduate presentations!
Ceara presented her work on the alpha-arrestin-mediated trafficking of ROMK!

Visit to SUNY Upstate for Swetha Velivela's PhD Defense
December 13-14, 2018 Dr. O'Donnell had a great time visiting SUNY Upstate in December of 2018, where she gave a talk on our research and...

Happy Holidays from the O'Donnell Lab!
Things are getting festive in the O'Donnell Lab!

They grow up so fast!
Anthony Pannunzio, a former undergraduate researcher who worked with Ally, came back for a quick visit to the new O'Donnell lab digs in...

Lunch with Tova!
Tova Finkelstein, a former high school student and undergraduate researcher in the O'Donnell Lab, came to visit her family in Pittsburgh...

Pitt BioSci retreat 2018!
At this year's retreat there was a "flipped" poster session where faculty presented posters! Pictured we have Ally and Dr. Nathan Clark...

Free strawberries!
The lab took a field trip to the roof top to get some free strawberry plants! Yumm!

Mini HS Student reunion!
Jackson Parr, a former high school student researcher in the O'Donnell lab, stopped by our new digs at the University of Pittsburgh the...

Celebrating Annette's birthday with the Brodsky Lab
Happy birthday Annette!! #LabLife