O'Donnell Lab Lineup for Summer 2016

The O'Donnell Lab is excited to announce that we will have three students in the lab this summer through the Duquesne Undergraduate Research Program!
They are:
Faba Malik (junior), who will be continuing her research into the role of ubiquintation in regulating Aly1- and Aly2-mediated protein trafficking.
Patrice Clemenza (sophomore), who will be assisting new graduate student Wes Bowman in redesigning the Cell and Molecular Biology Undergraduate Superlab to incorporate α-arrestin research.
Josh Pirl (sophomore), who will be working in Nathan Clark's lab at the University of Pittsburgh on a collaborative project to use computational approaches to identify cargo recognition motifs for α-arrestins.
In addition, Collin Krasowski has received funding for his summer research in the O'Donnell Lab through the University of Pittsburgh Summer Undergraduate Research Program. He will be attending Daemen College PA School this fall.
The O'Donnell Lab will have the following high school students and graduates participating through the Taylor Alderdice High School Science Research Program
Tova Finkelstein will be using a computational approach to identify potential cargo pairs with the α-arrestin Ldb19.
She will also be participating in the 2016 Dr. Bessie F. Lawrence International Summer Science Institute Scholarship program in Israel during this summer. She will be attending Barnard College of Columbia University in the fall.
Hilary Serbin will be using a computational approach to identify potential cargo pairs with the α-arrestin Ldb19. She will be attending the University of Pittsburgh this fall.
Taylor Robinson will be assisting Tova and Hilary in the arrestin cargoes project.
Beatrice Milnes will also be assisting Tova and Hilary in the arresting cargoes project, and will be joining the lab during the fall to continue the Science Research Program.
Uthman Fadu will be joining the lab at the end of the summer and will be joining us in the fall as well.
Finally, Abdullah Malik will be joining the lab this summer through Duquesne's Summer Undergraduate Lab Assistant Program.
In addition, Wes Bowman will begin his graduate studies in earnest this summer, with Ben Robinson assisting the lab as the technician.
We are all looking forward to a fun and productive summer together!